Friday, 3 February 2017

Film Review - Fact Box Designs

When looking through film magazines such as EMPIRE, I noticed a similar section in most of the reviews which was a small review box which gave the audience some behind the scenes insight and facts about the film. In EMPIRE is was called a 'Look Closer' section with five or 4 bullet points, this is an aspect that I really like as it breaks up the text of the review, it also looks very appealing especially when it matches the colour scheme of the entire review. Another thing their does is allow the a audience better connection with the film and the behind the scenes, so as a result I behind drawing out some designs for a small 'Look Closer/Facts' section of my own but also playing with some colour schemes which I will later one create in photoshop for a digital version. 

The fonts I have used for the designs will not be the fonts I used for the actually final one on my Ancillary product, this is just for the examples and drafts.

For the first design I created (first left), instead of having five bullet points like the majority of the ones I'd seen previous I decided upon having four mainly because it's an even number which is actually known as an audience pleasure as people will usually round things up to them so even though this is an odd reason it could draw the reader into the section. The colour scheme I have chosen is black, red and white which is actually a very conventional colour scheme, especially for the horror genre as it help to connote the genre itself due to the red connoting danger and the black darkness which could actually connote fear as it's known as one of the most common phobias/fears. I made the text for the facts white so that it stands out easily against the black background, making it eye-catching. 

The second design (second from left), where the majority of it is very similar to the first with the exception of the red rectangle going fully across the black background. I did this design to see if it would be better for the entire fact to be separate from the background making it more highlighted and stand out more as it connotes it's importance and that it is indeed the fact, everything else I have kept the same. 

For the third design (third from left), in this one I changed the order of the colour scheme whilst also removing the white. I did this to see if it would change the impact it would could have or it's appearance, personally I prefer the first colour scheme because this one seems as though it is missing something and it all seems to blend in together too much which is something I don't want as I want it to be more appealing and eye-catching. 

For the fourth design (last right), I combined them all together. Having the background red with black rectangles going across it with will contain the fact in a white text to help it stand out more and easy to read but also, I added a small title box saying 'facts' which might later change to something more catchy to draw the readers attention to it like how EMPIRE has 'Look Closer'. I also feel like the use of rectangles and squares give this small fact box some consistency which could be an audience pleasure for the reader as it also gives it a slight aesthetic which is known to be visually pleasing, it also makes it look very professional. 

Doing these I see that I want to take the first design and the fourth forward further when it comes to the final product as the layout and final colour scheme near to the and might effect my decision further so by doing this I will be able to play around with the colour scheme and layout more. 

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