Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Film Review Draft #1

Seeming as I can't add everything yet as I have no finished the main task it's not completely finish yet which is why it's only a draft however, so far I have included facts and some background on the title so that the audience can get a feel for the film and sit's storyline without any indication as to what actually happens but also (like I say in the draft) connotes to the reader to look out for more hidden messages which gives it a sense of mystery and curiosity which always draws people in. Something I know is a good thing to do is to provide both good points and bad points of the film which I found both easy and hard as i didn't want to make my own production sound bad but at the same time I didn't want to be bias so I provided this in a counter argument structure so that the reader got a positive and a negative of the same aspect instead of a whole negative or positive on something.

I still need to add exact figures and involves more credits to the people involved but for now I am happy with that first draft of the text part of the film review, once finished it will hopefully be much longer so that I can create the double page film review however, I don't want to have too much text as I know that, that can actually put people off as it's can look boring so I want to keep it to a good amount so there's a balance of images and text to make it appeal to my target audience.

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