Saturday, 5 November 2016

Survey Summary

In total I created four surveys using SurveyMonkey, I created two for my main task (short film) and one for each ancillary task (film poster and film review.) I wasn't surprised by the majority of the responses as I had predicted most of them from my own knowledge and personal opinion.
Something I found in all of my surveys was the majority of the responses came from 15 to 20 years old which is very beneficial as that is my target audience and I also believe this is because of the way I distributed the surveys out through social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as the main demographic for them are similar if not a slightly larger age range.
Looking at my main task surveys I found that the horror genre isn't the most popular possibly due to it's scary and creepy conventions however, I found that even though some people responded saying they don't watch horror films these individuals still answered the other questions showing that even if they don't watch them they still understand the concepts behind the genre and what would be good within it, this is similar for my ancillary tasks with the sense that the responses for my review survey say that not many people read review however, they were able to answer the question to what they think would be good in it etc.
Something I also found relating to all three of my surveys is that my audience like consistency in such as aesthetic, themes (region, revenge), the same structure within a film review (1st person, 3rd person.)

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