From analysing the Smiling Man I saw that there were some very small but interesting and impactful things within it such as, the way the long fingered hand of the Smiling Man lightly stroking the little girl's pigtail. I really liked this small movement as I found it added a really creepy and suspenseful atmosphere but also it gave the audience more insight as to what was happening then the actually character did, making them more involved into what was happening. This is something that I really wanted to incorporate into my own Short Film and therefore, added the section where one of the characters have gone to the bathroom to calm down and the camera in placed in front of them so the audience can see behind them as a dirty, paint soaked hand reaches from behind them and entwining their fingers in the character's hair but when they turn there is no one to be seen. I also really liked it because it hints at the antagonist without giving away their true identity giving the audience time to create their own picture of them meaning they want to watch till the end to see if their picture matches or not but also, this leaves them with the mystery that is conventional given when it comes to the antagonist, something that can be seen as an audience pleasure when it comes down to the storyline and the antagonist's reveal. Something else that I really liked was that the antagonist themselves were human which makes it slightly more realistic, even if they did have some strange aspects about them such as the sharpened teeth and murderous ways but still, this is something I had already wanted to involve in my storyline mainly because it was the best choice when it came to a low-budget but also because the audience would be able to put themselves in the antagonist's shoes better as in way they're the same species something that can also act as an audience pleasure but also disturb them slightly adding to the creepy and twisted storyline because it shows that someone just as human as them are capable of this, even if it is possession like in my idea.

Suicide Squad was a similar inspiration to me as their antagonist "Enchantress" would transform from this neat, business women Dr. Moon to a dirty, supernatural witch called Enchantress, the first time you see the transition between the two is when Dr. Moon places her hand on the table and Enchantress's hand slowly reaches out from under Dr. Moon's are turns it over as though a flip has been switched and she is now another person, which is the case. I really liked this way of transitioning and I also really liked the way that for a short duration of time you were able to see the comparison of the two characters. Originally I just wanted to incorporate the dirty look of Enchantress's costume as it looked like mist around her and connoting the darkness she has soaked into Dr. Moon's body but also the darkness within herself which goes the conventional antagonist look but the way it spread over Dr. Moon represented the possession and how it had taken over her, something that I thought was really effective and looked brilliant and why I wanted to use that on my female lead/antagonist but on a smaller scale such as just her face or her arm because just like how I said in my Smiling Man section I want her to keep her human to help create that disturbing feel about her actions whereas, if she becomes a supernatural being such as a witch the audience would blame the witch instead and it couldn't create the same atmosphere.

I watched Ouija after I had come up with the initial ideas for my short film to get a better feel for the conventions within the area of Ouija board and the paranormal, one thing I did find was that it both used the idea of Todrov's stereotypical characters types such as the protagonist being strong and brave but it also went again them such as when females are usually portrayed as the damsel in distress in this film they are seem as the more stronger people, I actually found in this film and others like it that it's conventionally the female that is the first to play the Ouija board or puts forward the idea of it this could be interpreted in different ways to the facts that maybe they're brave and don't fear the stories they hear about it, they're really stupid or depending on the storyline could be over emotional to save their friend or find out what happened to them which also links into Todrov's protagonist/hero character types as they're usually seen to have emotion and compassion etc. Due to this I think I unitentially made the main person female because it just seemed like the right fit and then when I watched more of the similar films I was more confident in my choice as it plays into the codes and conventions which can be seen as an audience pleasure. Just like the others I got some Antagonist inspiration from Ouija, similar to Suicide Squad their Antagonist is sort of dirty with a slight mist around them to connote that they're supernatural/paranormal and the colour scheme for them is always dark to connote their evil ways etc. So to see that what I wanted to do was something slightly conventionally done in films similar will help the realism within my own production but also this gives me something to work from when it comes to trying out different looks for the antagonist.

Gotham is a TV show based on the Batman comic series where it focuses on how he became batman and how the antagonist's development into their evil selves, one particular antagonist I'm interested in is Edward Nygma (a.k.a The Riddler.) Before Edward Nygma even became The Riddler he was obsessed with riddles for example, 'What's nowhere but everywhere, except where something is?' The answer is nothing, over time these became more dark, close to dark humour for example, 'A nightmare for some. For others, a saviour I come. My hand's cold and bleak. It's the warm hearts they seek, what am I?' The answer is death. The way that the transition from him being Edward Nygma to him becoming The Riddler is done in the way of him have a split personality almost, he'll be looking in the mirror and suddenly his reflection will be doing different actions to what he is doing which shows the two personalities and sometimes he'll say something, tilt his had and answer himself leading to a conflict betwen his two personalities. I liked the way they did this because it showed the two people within him without having to actually show them both which is something I wanted to incorprate into my production and was actually considering having a shot where the two characters are sitting down and the female suddenly jolts and there's a split second where you see some conflict between the female and the antagonist posessing her as they can help to represent and connote what is happening to the audience.
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