Monday, 10 October 2016

Social Media Audience Research (Twitter Poll)

The other day I created a Twitter Poll with the question 'If I were creating a Short Horror Film what would be the better weapon to use?' As I could only give them four options I felt I should go with more conventional and popular choices. I was surprised by the results as I had expected 'A knife' to be the most popular result however, the results came back with 'A chainsaw' being the most popular. I believe this is due to this weapon being the most intense and possibly most dangerous as it has much scarier aspects then the others. Trying to applying these results to our own production would be hard as it doesn't suit our storyline and would seem out of place, that and there are many health and safety risks with using a chainsaw within our production as there are many chances for things to go wrong. I also believe that it was the most popular because it is the most associated with blood and gore which is conventional of a horror film but also, recently in both TV shows and films it has become a more conventional weapon to use which could have impacted the results.

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