Monday, 13 March 2017

Double Page Spread | DRAFT #4

During some feedback on my review page so far some individuals said that the dominant image seemed too empty but that it was a good image and to maybe see if there was a way to remove some of the space so, I went into Adobe PhotoShop CS6 and try different methods, one where I simply cropped it however, that was only effective in making it smaller, the issue was the space right in the middle of the image so with a bit of trail and error I ended up actually cutting out Sasha (left)  and then placing her more forward then the raw image to give the impression that the two were standing closer and thankfully the eye line of each character still lined up and it did actually help the image to look less empty but this also meant that I was able to making it bigger on my double page spread going with the code and conventions of the dominant image being the biggest but also it helped to fill up any background space making it fuller without the need for anything else.

Also after some feedback I added newspaper company names to the two quotes I had made such as 'Daily Mail' and 'The Sun' as they're very common and mainstream companies that do both mainstream and niche news/reports/articles on everything. Also, by involving these the reader would see them and instantly make an impression based on these companies opinions as though 'they think it's good, surely it must be then.'

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