Monday, 9 January 2017


Having previously officially come up with my finished storyline and doing the plot blocking for it I have started the storyboards for it which has both helped me with visualising it and confirming which location I want to use which is actually my own house as I wanted to give it a realistic and mundane feel as if to say you don't have to be in a haunted house for this to happen, it could happen anywhere. I will make a post about my location with some shots etc. With my storyboards I wanted them to be detailed but at the same time I didn't want them to be too time consuming so I went onto Google Images to look up images of storyboards and there were professional ones which looked brilliant but then I came across this one storyboard which drew out the figure of a person but not give them any clothes or facial expressions/hair unless it was required and important to the shot and they would then put numbers of their face so you knew how many there were but also so you knew which character was where and didn't get confused between the two, I really liked this way of doing it as I felt it gave enough detail to understand what was happening and was visually easy to look at rather then having to work out what was what and therefore, I'm using this in my storyboards and finding it very useful and a lot easier to work with then the large amounts of time consuming detail that I have done previously. I am hoping to have them complete very soon.

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