Friday, 23 September 2016

Cohesive Marketing


Cohesive marketing is when a campaign links many different forms of media across multiple platforms showing a clear relation between each one such as, websites, posters, trailers etc. to get their film out to audiences on a 24 hour bases, this is also known as 360 degree branding. It focuses on things such as branding, synergy, brand image, convergence etc.

An example of this is The Hunger Games franchise:
Another example is the Saw marketing campaign:











Throughout all of the platforms the audience need to be able to identify your brand and this is done through

  • Colour scheme
  • A slogan/Catchphrase
  • Certain actors
  • Layout
  • Typography
As you can see from The Hunger Games franchise their colour scheme is orange, gold and black throughout all of their platforms, along with the iconic Mockingjay badge and their slogan "May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour." Not on every platform but on most, Jennifer Lawerance's and Josh Hutcherson's face will be to the sides or in the middle of the picture. The campaign involved an interactive website to make the storyline more realistic, this is a popular thing to do, films such as Jurassic World have also done this.

Conventional colours for a horror film are red, black and white which the Saw campaign follows making it easily identfied as a horror, it also has the same typography throughout all of their marketing with the iconic Saw font with the W always being slightly bigger then the other letters. One part of the campaign involved Jigsaw (The main Antagonist) featuring in The Simpsons, a popular TV show watched by many people around the world. There's also the iconic phrase of "Want To Play A Game."

A major factor in a successful marketing campaign is understanding your target audience for example, it's not very effective to have marketing on social media if your film is aimed at the elderly.
Another thing is 360 degree branding which is constantly being in the publics face, on their phone, on the side of the bus they get on, on the billboard they walk by etc. the more they see it the more likely they are to remember it. A unique marketing campaign itself can make it successful as people remember something different and if films were to do the same marketing things over and over again the public would get bored and dismiss them.
Something else that can make a succesful/good marketing campaign is synergy, which is when different companies will come together to create something with a greate effect them if they were on their own and they both come out with mutual benefits. An example of this is Space Jam and Mcdonalds, they teamed up and created a Bacon Burger at McDonalds which had never been on their menu before, as a result it caused a lot of buzz for both McDonalds and the film Space Jam, this made a successfuk campaign becuase they understood their target audience for Space Jam and then matched that with the majority of people who eat at McDonalds, Young Adults, Teens, Families.

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